Moving On...
Well, it's been a blast. It's been real, and all that jazz. But those of you who still pop in here can't have failed to have noticed the somewhat decreased frequency of posting here. If I'm being honest, I'm just a little bit bored with the Militant Moderate platform. So, to go into nice management jargon, I'm diversifying, specialising, and expanding my operations.From henceforth, you can find me blogging at the following ventures:
From the Dustbin of History for my political content, and
HawkEye for my sporting content.
PLEASE NOTE: The URLs are not the same as the blog titles.
For those of you who are interested, here's a link to my mission statement at the Dustbin of History - in short, it's trying to look at politics beyond the electoral cycle.
I hope those of you who've enjoyed reading here will stay with me as I start my new ventures!
And to all of you who have read, commented, or otherwise engaged with my writing here, thank you all very much.